174 lines
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174 lines
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from properties import Properties
import math, numpy as np
from scipy.stats import beta, binom
from decimal import Decimal
import sys, random, time
class ChangeDetection(object):
def __init__(self, gamma, sensitivity, maxWindowSize):
self.gamma = gamma
self.sensitivity = sensitivity
self.maxWindowSize = maxWindowSize
Functions to estimate beta distribution parameters
def __calcBetaDistAlpha(self, list, sampleMean, sampleVar):
if sampleMean == -1:
sampleMean = np.mean(list)
if sampleVar == -1:
sampleVar = np.var(list)
c = (sampleMean * (1-sampleMean)/sampleVar) - 1
return sampleMean * c
def __calcBetaDistBeta(self, list, alphaChange, sampleMean):
if sampleMean == -1:
sampleMean = np.mean(list)
return alphaChange * ((1.0/sampleMean) - 1)
input: The dynamic sliding window containing confidence of target classifier
output: -1 if no change found, otherwise the change point
def detectTargetChange(self, slidingWindow):
estimatedChangePoint = -1
N = len(slidingWindow)
cushion = max(Properties.CUSHION, int(math.floor(N ** self.gamma)))
#If mean confidence fall below 0.3, must retrain the classifier, so return a changepoint
if N > self.maxWindowSize:
Properties.logger.info('Current target Window Size is: ' + str(N) + ', which exceeds max limit, so update classifier')
return 0
if N > 2*cushion and np.mean(slidingWindow[0:N]) <= Properties.CONFCUTOFF:
Properties.logger.info('Current target Window Size is: ' + str(N))
Properties.logger.info('But overall confidence fell below ' + str(Properties.CONFCUTOFF) + ', so update classifier')
return 0
threshold = -math.log(self.sensitivity)
w = 0.0
kAtMaxW = -1
kindex = np.arange(cushion, N - cushion + 1)
for k in kindex:
xbar0 = np.mean(slidingWindow[:k])
var0 = np.var(slidingWindow[:k])
xbar1 = np.mean(slidingWindow[k:])
var1 = np.mean(slidingWindow[k:])
if xbar1 <= 0.9*xbar0:
skn = 0.0
alphaPreChange = self.__calcBetaDistAlpha(slidingWindow[:k], xbar0, var0)
betaPreChange = self.__calcBetaDistBeta(slidingWindow[:k], alphaPreChange, xbar0)
alphaPostChange = self.__calcBetaDistAlpha(slidingWindow[k:], xbar1, var1)
betaPostChange = self.__calcBetaDistBeta(slidingWindow[k:], alphaPostChange, xbar1)
# for i in range(k, N):
# try:
# #Get Beta distribution
# denom = beta.pdf(float(slidingWindow[i]), alphaPreChange, betaPreChange)
# if denom == 0:
# Properties.logger.info('beta distribution pdf is zero for X = ' + str(float(slidingWindow[i])))
# denom = 0.001
# val = Decimal(beta.pdf(float(slidingWindow[i])/denom, alphaPostChange, betaPostChange))
# skn += float(val.ln())
# except:
# e = sys.exc_info()
# print str(e[1])
# raise Exception('Error in calculating skn.')
swin = map(float, slidingWindow[k:])
denom = [beta.pdf(s, alphaPreChange, betaPreChange) for s in swin]
nor_denom = np.array([0.001 if h == 0 else h for h in denom])
nor_swin = swin/nor_denom
skn = sum([Decimal(beta.pdf(ns, alphaPostChange, betaPostChange)).ln() for ns in nor_swin])
e = sys.exc_info()
print str(e[1])
raise Exception('Error in calculating skn')
if skn > w:
w = skn
kAtMaxW = k
if w >= threshold and kAtMaxW != -1:
estimatedChangePoint = kAtMaxW
Properties.logger.info('Estimated change point is ' + str(estimatedChangePoint) + ', detected at ' + str(N))
return estimatedChangePoint
input: The dynamic sliding window containing accuracy of source classifier
output: -1 if no change found, otherwise the change point
def detectSourceChange(self, slidingWindow):
estimatedChangePoint = -1
N = len(slidingWindow)
cushion = max(Properties.CUSHION, int(math.floor(N ** self.gamma)))
#If mean confidence fall below 0.3, must retrain the classifier, so return a changepoint
if N > self.maxWindowSize:
Properties.logger.info('Current target Window Size is: ' + str(N) + ', which exceeds max limit, so update classifier')
return 0
if N > 2*cushion and np.mean(slidingWindow) <= Properties.CONFCUTOFF:
Properties.logger.info('Current target Window Size is: ' + str(N))
Properties.logger.info('But overall confidence fell below ' + str(Properties.CONFCUTOFF) + ', so update classifier')
return 0
threshold = -math.log(self.sensitivity)
w = 0.0
kAtMaxW = -1
kindex = np.arange(cushion, N - cushion + 1)
for k in kindex:
xbar0 = np.mean(slidingWindow[:k])
xbar1 = np.mean(slidingWindow[k:])
# means should set 1=accurate, 0=erroneous
if xbar1 <= 0.9*xbar0:
skn = 0.0
# for i in range(k, N):
# try:
# denom = binom.pmf(float(slidingWindow[i]), k, xbar0)
# if denom == 0:
# Properties.logger.info('binomial distribution pmf is zero for X = ' + str(float(slidingWindow[i])))
# denom = 0.001
# val = Decimal(binom.pmf(float(slidingWindow[i])/denom, N-k, xbar1))
# skn += float(val.ln())
# except:
# e = sys.exc_info()
# print str(e[1])
# raise Exception('Error in calculating skn')
swin = map(float, slidingWindow[k:N])
denom = [binom.pmf(s, k, xbar0) for s in swin]
nor_denom = np.array([0.001 if h == 0 else h for h in denom])
nor_swin = swin/nor_denom
skn = sum([Decimal(binom.pmf(ns, N-k, xbar1)).ln() for ns in nor_swin])
e = sys.exc_info()
print str(e[1])
raise Exception('Error in calculating skn')
if skn > w:
w = skn
kAtMaxW = k
if w >= threshold and kAtMaxW != -1:
estimatedChangePoint = kAtMaxW
Properties.logger.info('Estimated change point is ' + str(estimatedChangePoint) + ', detected at: ' + str(N))
Properties.logger.info('Value of w: ' + str(w) + ', Value of Threshold: ' + str(threshold))
return estimatedChangePoint