import math, sklearn.metrics.pairwise as sk from sklearn import svm import numpy as np import random, sys class Model(object): def __init__(self): self.model = None self.weight = 0.0 """ Initialize training of a new weighted SVM model by choosing best parameters. Sets the trained model for this object. """ def trainUsingKLIEPWeights(self, traindata, trainLabels, weightSrcData, maxvar, svmC, svmGamma, svmKernel): self.model = svm.SVC(decision_function_shape='ovr', probability=True, C=svmC, gamma=svmGamma, kernel=svmKernel), trainLabels) """ Test the weighted SVM to predict labels of a given test data. Returns the result of prediction, and confidence behind the prediction """ def test(self, testdata): #predict and gather results #predictedClass = ["" for x in range(len(testdata))] #confidences = np.zeros(len(testdata)) confidences = [] #reshapedData = np.reshape(testdata, (1,-1)) if len(testdata)==1: testdata = np.reshape(testdata, (1,-1)) predictions = self.model.predict(testdata) probs = self.model.predict_proba(testdata) for i in range(0, len(testdata)): #curData = np.reshape(testdata[i], (1,-1)) #predictedClass[i] = self.model.predict(curData)[0] for j in range(len(self.model.classes_)): if self.model.classes_[j] == predictions[i]: #confidences[i] = prob[j] confidences.append(probs[i][j]) break """ scores = self.model.decision_function(curData) if len(self.model.classes_)<=2: confidences[i] = min(1.0, math.fabs(scores[0])) else: # we calculate the confidence by taking normalized score totScore = 0.0 for x, y in zip(self.model.classes_, scores[0]): totScore += math.fabs(y) if predictedClass[i] == x: confidences[i] = math.fabs(y) confidences[i] /= totScore """ return predictions, confidences """ Set model weights using test prediction. For source weight, use error rate with known source data labels. For target weight, use confidence (or probability) measure on target data. """ def computeModelWeightKLIEP(self, data, maxvar): totConf = 0.0 predictedClass, confidences = self.test(data) for i in range(0, len(confidences)): totConf += confidences[i] return totConf/len(data)